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don from floor

                        State Representative Don Parsons
                                         Election 2024

I am running for reelection to maintain and further build upon the many successes that have made Georgia a better state.

I have helped cut our income tax, helped send money back to taxpayers, and kept our highway system across Georgia the envy of other states. I am very happy to have worked for passage of House Bill 1013 which, among other achievements, ensures insurance parity for mental health with physical health. As Chairman of the Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications Committee in the House, I have made great strides with rural Broadband, and I look forward to seeing it through. I have done solid work with cybersecurity and look forward to ensuring our electric grid is thoroughly protected and prepared for the coming electrification. Solid foundations have been set and advancements made in many sectors but there is still work to be done and I look forward to it.

Among the greatest challenges we face, the ones that we can address at the state level, are those that are addressed by a fiscally responsible approach to state government. However, I believe the biggest challenge that my constituents, and people across the nation are facing today is inflation caused by irresponsible federal spending by the Biden/Harris administration. In Georgia, just this year, I have worked to successfully cut taxes as well as return part of the budget surplus back to Georgians. Due to fiscal conservatism, I have worked to keep our AAA credit rating, saving taxpayers untold millions of dollars every year. By lowering taxes, returning surplus to taxpayers, taking tax off gasoline during the time of extraordinary gasoline prices; I have helped and will continue to work to lessen the effects of federal government caused inflation.

I had a long career in telecommunications in which I worked in all parts of our state. My wife and I raised our family here. I served in the military, including reserve components for twenty years. As a State Representative, I have helped cut our income tax, helped send a portion of our budget surplus back to taxpayers, and kept our highway system the envy of other states. I am happy to have worked for passage of House Bill 1013 which ensures insurance parity for mental health with physical health. As Chairman of the Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications Committee, I have made great strides with rural Broadband. I have passed cybersecurity legislation. I have worked to ensure our electric grid is prepared for the coming challenges. Solid foundations have been set but there is still work to be done and I look forward to it.

The overall role of the government of Georgia in the lives of its people is put forth in the Georgia Constitution. Its chief roles, as prescribed by our state constitution, are to protect Georgians and to provide for a basic education for our citizens. In accordance with the state constitution, our government must provide for law enforcement, a mechanism for homeland security and a fair system of justice. Our government must protect Georgians from unfair insurance policy and predatory lending practices. It must provide for a mechanism that ensures fair utility rates. Our government must protect Georgians against unfair and excessive taxation. These, and funding of education are all measures I have worked for and will continue to work for in the General Assembly.

Throughout my years as a state representative, I have worked on and have been able to pass legislation involving a wide range of issues. I authored and sponsored the "Crime Victims' Bill of Rights" as well as school bus safety legislation. In the 2021session, I sponsored major cybersecurity legislation that is now law. I am a member of the Ways and Means Committee where I work hard to keep taxes fair and low, and I am a member of the Appropriations Committee where I work to fund education and agencies such as law enforcement. I serve on the Health Committee where I work for access for Georgians to affordable health services. As Chairman of the Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications Committee I will continue to work for a stronger power grid and for provisioning of rural broadband, among other important issues.

My job as a state representative is to represent the people of House District 44. When I am contacted by a constituent who has a problem with a state agency and needs help, I don't ask what party he or she votes with, or about political views. I work to get the problem resolved. I am always willing to listen. However, I am a conservative Republican. I will not advocate for or vote in favor of a measure that is not in compliance with our constitution, weakens law enforcement, creates unfair taxation, increases the size of government, or favors one race or ethnic group over another. I believe in the equality of opportunity and a justice system that serves all people. I do not believe in redistribution of wealth through government.

My influences have come from many people, and I have served with some great men and women. Two great men who are no longer with us are certainly among them, and they are Paul Coverdale and Johnny Isakson. Others include former Governor Nathan Deal and the late Zell Miller, the first governor with whom I served.

I am a conservative Republican who believes in the free market and limited government. I believe there are legitimate reasons for taxation to a limited extent for education, law enforcement, our armed forces and our highways, etc., but I also believe in the wisdom and the ability of the American people to make their own choices and their own investments in their own families and communities with their hard-earned money and resources.